Thanks to the impurities, we can investigate the Sun in detail. This would mean that the researchers could not study the temperature or the motion of the Sun's atmosphere. If the Sun consisted only of pure hydrogen, there would be no absorption line. The depths of the absorption lines provide information about temperature, and the wavelength shifts of the lines tell us the motion of gas.

The Fraunhofer lines are, indeed, a lifeline of solar physicists. Some Fraunhofer lines were known to originate in absorption in the Earth's atmosphere. For example, the D line is caused by sodium, and the H and K lines are caused by calcium. Fraunhofer designated the principal features with the letters A through K from longer wavelength (redder) to shorter (bluer). The Fraunhofer lines are a set of famous absorption lines named after a German physicist. The chief element of the Sun is hydrogen, and the impurities in minuscule quantities absorb the light coming from the inside at specific wavelengths, resulting in the dark features. These are absorption lines caused by impurities such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, and so on. If you observe the spectrum more carefully, you will find countless dark features. When you let sunlight pass through a prism, you can see that the light is broken up into the colors of the rainbow (a spectrum).